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About The Delaware Valley UPA
The Delaware Valley Chapter of the Usability Professionals' Association (UPA) supports professionals who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services in the Philadelphia metro area. We are focused on addressing the unique needs of executives, business owners, and independent professionals who provide user centered design services. Our key outcomes, in order of priority, are:
- Business Advocacy – Cultivation of an informed technology market, making it easier for our members to do business in the region.
- Quality Networking – Increased collaboration by providing meaningful senior-level networking opportunities for members.
- Professional Development –Support the professional growth of our membership by offering appropriate, quality professional development content and events.
Chapter Leadership
Dorothy M. Danforth, Founder & Principal for Danforth Media
Jason Zimmer, Associate Partner for Rosetta
2012 Mentoring Program Committee
- Jason Zimmer: President 2009 & 2010, Vice President 2008
- Casey Malcolm: President 2007 & 2008
- Natalia Minibayeva: President 2004-2007, Treasurer 2007 & 2008
Recent Chapter News
About Our Parent Organization
The Usability Professionals' Association (UPA) was established in 1991 and continues to be the organization of choice for usability professionals worldwide. The UPA holds a yearly international conference, publishes new findings through both the Journal of Usability Studies (JUS) and through User Experience Magazine, and has 50 chapters around the world. In 2004, the UPA established World Usability Day, which in 2009 was celebrated in over 40 countries. Join the UPA ( online membership form)